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Women and Gender

Shields: Author’s misguided rant shows why feminism is still misunderstood

It seems that there is a global issue on the rise. Men everywhere are on the decline. They have gone from strong, confident leaders to weak, feminine “wusses.” At least that is what Nick Adams, author of “The American Boomerang,” said during a Fox News interview with hosts Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Clayton Morris.

If you frequent Fox News, you may have seen the segment in which Adams explained that men have “gone from wrestling with crocodiles to wrestling with lattes.” Adams went on to say, “it’s very hard time to be a man,” because all aspects of male culture are being called into question by the left and the politically correct. According to Adams, this has led to the “wussification of men,” which is very devastating because, given America’s leadership position, it is important that “men be men.”

Adams’ qualms seem to match those of a seven-year-old boy afraid of getting “cooties.”  Yes, men have problems too, but let us not pretend that Adams’ inability to go “wrestling with crocodiles” is a greater problem than those faced by women around the world.

But what is so wrong about being feminine? Why does that equate to being inferior or a “wuss?” Adams’ rant about the horrors of femininity shows that some people are still lukewarm about the idea of powerful females in society. It also illuminates the exact reasons why we need feminism.

In our society, women are second-class citizens. Our problems, contributions and standing are all minimalized. This is solidified by the fact that Adams associates femininity with being weaker and less than men. These rigid gender roles leave men and women with narrow definitions of manhood and womanhood that leave no space for individuality or self-expression. Adams is using our society’s views to prey on the fear that many men have of not being “man enough.”

Although many of you may balk at Adams’ opinions, he did not give birth to this sentiment. In fact, many people believe that feminism correlates with the emasculation of men. It seems like many men and women believe that both sexes cannot be empowered and strong at the same time. But why does this sentiment exist?

When Hasselbeck asked Adams if this “wussification” relates to the feminist movement, he responded that it directly corresponds to feminism. He went on to explain that feminism has “delivered angry women and feminine men.” According to Adams, the true root of feminism is the “destructive idea that men prevent (women) from being able to achieve their goals.”

These ideas come from confusion and misinformation of feminism. Feminism is the belief that all men and women should be socially, politically and economically equal. Feminism does not equate to women acting like men or men acting like women.

This isn’t possible because although there are distinct biological differences between males and females, gender is a social construct that can be modified and manipulated to fit a country, city or individual. Therefore there is no acting like a girl or acting like a boy. Wrestling with crocodiles and drinking lattes are not inherent biological traits. They are learned societal customs that can be adopted by either gender.

Feminism is not about gender neutrality; it is about choice. It is about men and women deciding how they want to express their masculinity or femininity.

Mandisa Shields is a freshman newspaper and online journalism major. Her column appears weekly. She can be reached at and followed on Twitter @mandisashields.  

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