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Duck: Connor Grossman

Asst. Sports Copy Editor | Spring 2015; Asst. Sports Editor | Fall 2015; Asst. Sports Web Editor | Spring 2016

I’ve loved (almost) every minute spent inside of 744 Ostrom Ave. These are the people that enriched the experience for me, and there’s still more I didn’t have space to name. Thank you, to everyone.

Sam: I never figured out why you stood by my side so early in my D.O. career, but you’re the reason I ever worked in house. I know we’ll stay in touch wherever we end up. There’s simply too many #RaysUp and #GoMets moments to talk about. I hope you wanted flip-flops for graduation. Leave my essence alone.

Schneid: You’ll always be my oldest friend at The D.O., dating back to our (in)glorious ice hockey days. You were always a step ahead of me, and made me want to get better. You’re a hell of a beat reporter. Not too shabby at Twitter, either. Sorry we got on the bus to Nob Hill. Should’ve taken Waverly.

Schwed: You annoyed the crap out of me when we met. You have to know that. Your three-clipboard setup to cover a softball game was maddening. But I only envied your work ethic, and still do. When D.O. Sports writers 30 years down the road are in a pinch, they’ll know what to do: Better call Paul. Not about throwing a lacrosse ball, though.

Chris: You’re primed to do so much, and you don’t even realize half of it yet. You’ve got an encyclopedic knowledge of too many things, and an unwavering love for great journalism. You’ll do big things, my friend. I know it. You know it. Now go do it.

Jon: Hola. You’re the most versatile asset this paper’s got. The best part of it is your writing has jumped forward a mile. I’m lucky we got to spend the ungodly amount of hours together that we did this year. Dino is lucky to have your track record with him next year.

Fortier: Probably more than anyone else at work, you and I are the same cut of person. Must be something with the blogs, or similar senses of humor. You’ve got an unlimited amount of ambition, and I know it’ll translate to awesome things. We’ll work together some day. I have a hunch.

Tomer: The Daily Orange needs your infectious personality. It’s unmatched. I’d like to think I appreciate your self-deprecation more than anyone else. Let’s split a Challah and grape juice sometime.

Jesse: You’ve always made the people around you better, and I’m a product of that as much as anyone else. Thanks for helping me make sure things weren’t ever being taken too seriously. And let the haters hate, but I’m always down for an hour-long talk at Chucks.

Liam: I had the privilege of sharing the friendly confines of 15D with you this year. Thank you for not letting me drown myself in work, you’re the only one I’d listen to about stepping away. Whatever you end up doing down the road, you’ll do it with greater effort and passion than anyone else. That’s the only way you know how. Now extend to me the grip.

Wilson: Thanks for letting this lowly freshman go to a women’s soccer game. I owe you.

Bailey: You intimidated the hell out of me as a freshman, and that couldn’t have been a better thing. Thanks for not kicking me off the softball beat. Still trying to count out those road games.

Trevor: Thanks for the two-hour long reads and agreement with my word choice. Now say it with me: Go A’s.

Klinger: I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand you, and that’s OK. You saw what I was trying to do sometimes when no one else did. I’ll always appreciate that.

Phil: When you didn’t have to, you took a chance on me. Sorry for the boatload of copy mistakes, Goober. I was too busy watching A-Rod highlights. #FORG1V3

(Almost) every designer: You were always my favorite presence in the sports office. Believe me. Just don’t ask for a graphic or pull quote. I’m fresh out.

Audrey: You did my copy editing for me, and egged on my sarcasm. I couldn’t ask for anymore out of a friend. Go Ducks.

Chloe: My truest hot sauce companion. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and be bold next semester. I’m referring solely to your hot sauce selections. Thanks for letting me pitch design ideas. I’m convinced it was my job in an alternate universe.

Brett: I’m glad we could laugh about the ridiculousness of things when no one else would. I commend you for your relentless note taking in board meetings, and your ability to hoist DGH nation on your shoulders. See you at the next Thing, or Festival. Whichever comes first.

Frankie: From the bottom of mine and TOBASCO inc.’s heart: Thank you.

 Logan: You know the magic words.

Justin: I look forward to opening Justin and Connor’s Baseball Emporium one day. Shirseys, baseball cards, root beers, we got it. You’re a phenomenal friend and I’m sorry your first sip of Busch was unspectacular. Go Cards.

Mara: You kicked ass from your EIC throne. We spent an unhealthy amount of time together this year, and I’m OK with that. Might need some wine to take the edge off though.

 Burke: Undoubtedly, you’re going to do great things, and do them big. Just don’t forget to tweet. #NHsmc

Phi Delt: I still go to school here.

The Bias: R.I.P.

Jackie: You’re awesome, and I couldn’t have made it through this year without you. Thanks for sticking by my side and keeping my head on straight. I guess this means we’ll have more time to watch Giants games together. Home movies like Harry Potter and Star Wars can always wait. You mean more to me than I could possibly fit in a blurb.

Mom, Dad, Claire and Ranger: Thanks for letting me pursue this whole journalism thing. More than anyone else, your support means the world to me. Sorry I never liked science.

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