Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Mara Corbett

Design Editor | Fall 2013-Fall 2014; Presentation Director | Spring 2015; Editor in Chief | Fall 2015-Spring 2016

If you spend more than 10 minutes in The Daily Orange you’ll hear all about how we’re a learning institution. It’s one of those phrases we like to use a lot, like “web-friendly” and “deadline.” And there is a lot to learn at The D.O.

There are lessons on the walls and lessons in the traditions. But mostly, you’ll learn from the people around you. It’s the people that fill this place until the early hours of the morning that have made my six semesters here so memorable. They are the reason I’ve developed anything more than a caffeine addiction at The D.O. and the reason this place became my second home. I’m grateful for all the lessons and I’m grateful for all of you.

Lizzie: You were the first person to believe in me at The D.O. and you’ll never know how much that means to me. Being named your 2.0 has been motivation to do the best I can, even when you weren’t here to monitor my use of text on photo. Thanks for hiring this little freshman, Grandma.

Casey: Between the car rides, advice and being your honorary peer advisee, there’s too much to thank you for. I might just have to buy you a Ted’s pop tart instead.

Lara: You planted the seed and you were right: This job has been the best decision I’ve made at Syracuse. Hope you didn’t mind all the Dreamgirls.

Meredith: Sometimes I expect you to walk into the house and ask, “How are things?” Sometimes I do it myself. It’s my way of making sure the best of you — your care and enthusiasm — never leaves this place. Let’s talk FOMO next semester.

Lindsay: You showed me how to believe in my work as a designer. I hope I was able to do that for someone during my time here.

Chase: You were always so encouraging, in the house and on g-chat. I hope my designs aren’t jarring anymore.

Ankur: Keep emailing the next PD, we can always use it. I hear she’s a real piece of work.

Annie: Thank you for being such a wonderful mentor to my staff this year, and to me for three years. I’ve always valued your wise advice and always will. Who’s going to talk at Sunday meeting now?

Alexa Torrens: I love your confidence, I love your sass and I love that you make fun of Justin with me. I admire how fearless you are because it makes you a great leader — when you remember to check your phone that is. Glad we’re BFFLs. Good luck molding the future of The D.O.

Sara Swann: You’re news editor of the best college newspaper in the country. Just let that sink in. I’m so proud of you and your incredible determination. Now go crack a Smirnoff Ice and celebrate.

Rachel Sandler: I’ve watched your writing and critical approach to stories improve exponentially this semester. Can’t wait to see what you do next.

Burke: You’re one of the most intelligent people I’ve worked with here, and you’re going to do great things for the paper. The beard comes back when I come back.

Brigid & Satoshi: My favorite dynamic duo.

Alex & Delaney: Your work growing the web team is impressive and you should be proud. I also appreciate the sweetness and spice levels, respectively.

Caroline: You pioneered a new position and we couldn’t have asked for someone better to do the job. Please make sure Alexa sleeps at some point next semester.

Kathryn & Rachel: The two of you need to open a bottle of wine and cheers to the end of the semester. You’ve accomplished so much in Pulp and I’m proud of the people and editors you’ve become — I hope you are too. If there’s extra wine, let me know. I’ll bring the breadsticks.

Archie & Lizzie: You made Pulp fun and inviting every time I came down the stairs — even if it was freezing cold. Thanks for the smiles and creative mac pitches.

Danny & Katelyn: You both say what you think, whether it’s criticism or praise, and we’re better off for it.

Schneid: Don’t lose sight of your determination because it’s going to open a lot of doors for you in the future. If you ever want to rematch in mini golf — or really if you need anything at all — you know how to reach me.

Sam Blum: You once asked me if I was going to apply for EIC and I laughed at you. But here we are. I see how much you care about The D.O. and that means a lot to me. Know you are stronger and braver than you probably think — and that I’ll always answer your texts at 5 a.m.

Schwed: I’m so jealous of everyone who gets to work with you as sports editor because you have amazing potential. Your love for The D.O. and your drive to be great is inspiring. Your staff will see the same. I look forward to your pins.

Chris: Don’t let the guys treat you like crap. You’re too talented for that.

Tomer: I hope I can hear your laugh from Copenhagen.

Fortier: We both know you’re capable of great things, so go do them. I’ll be around if they involve InDesign.

Riley: You have the ability to come into an entirely new place, adapt and kick ass. Can’t wait to see your photos — and stories — on the front page next semester.

Logan: To be honest, I always knew the job would get done when you were around — and we’d definitely find some triangles along the way. Cidre!

Liam & Zach: You made photo a chill place to be this semester. There were some stressful nights where that was exactly what I needed.

Chase: I appreciate all the drone staff photos.

Moriah: I’m still waiting for you to come back. You’re too talented not to.

Emma & Lucy: I named you two the new Mara and Chloe within your first week. Between your instant friendship and great style taste, it was the obvious comparison to make. Together, you’ll take the design team far.

Kiran: You make me happy. Scratch that, you make everyone around you happy. We need more people like you. Don’t let them settle on the website.

Hank: If you did one thing really well as a designer, it was making the section try something new. Your voice pushed us, and that is so valuable.

Colleen: Everybody still wants you in their section and you don’t even work here anymore. It’s more than being a talented designer; it’s your positive attitude and infectious smile.

Estella: If the whole staff worked like you, we’d make deadline every night. Keep it up, whatever you do next.

Nick: You’ve been all over the place, but you’ve always returned to The D.O. I’m glad you have. Maybe it’s because no one else can accept your love for shrek.

Jordan & Jordana: Welcome aboard. I hope you stick around.

Tiffany & Yerin: Team design, always.

Devyn: Knowing I’ll get to work with illustrators like you — maybe even you — makes me excited to be a designer.

Ali: You raised the bar and you created a copy family. In short, you made this place better. Thanks for being so reliable.

Brendan, Laina & Leslie: Appreciate all the web things; hope you enjoyed being around the house.

Ad Staff: Thanks for hanging out with me on Fridays — your icebreakers are fun. Lucy, you do incredible work and should be so proud of the team. Manny, you’re the new boss. You got this.

Mike Dooling: Of the more than 80 hires I’ve made this year, yours was the best. Your energy and passion came exactly when we needed it and you are primed to do some incredible things for The D.O. I’ll always be around to answer questions. Welcome to the family.

The Board: It’s been a year of emergency conference calls and email chains. I appreciate your support and trust through it all.

Jesse: It’s finally safe to say I’ve wished you “happy last night” for the last time. You always came back when we needed you — maybe it’s because you care more than you’ll admit or maybe you just couldn’t say no. I’m glad, regardless.

Jacob: You have so many bright and innovative ideas that The D.O. needs right now. You, more than anyone, challenge us to be better than we were the day before. Don’t stop pushing MGMT with your wild ideas, but please stop trying to act like Sarah likes you more. It will never happen. She’s my best friend.

Grossman: Between the country music and pink wine, we became friends. I’m glad we did because when you go far in life I’ll be able to say I knew you back then. Thanks for telling me not to take myself too seriously. See you at the Festival.

Clare: I haven’t forgiven you for ignoring me when we first met, but I’m glad we love each other now. At least I think all the sass and glares are a sign of love. I’m so proud to know you’re the next PD — I’m leaving the paper in good hands. Whatever you need — bubble tea, advice, both — I’ll be there. Just don’t let Justin say there won’t be any dominant art on the front page. It has happened before.

Jon: If I told you there’s nothing you can’t do you’d tell me you already know, because you’re annoying like that. But you’re immensely talented — more than you realize — and it’s the truth. I’m excited to see what you do next and make fun of you along the way.

Jackie: I’m so thankful that The D.O. led me to you, my long lost twin. You check in on me at the exact moment I need it and for that, I’ll always have your back. I don’t know what I would have done without you listening to me this past year. Even if we don’t have all the answers, at least we have each other.

Sarah, Julia & Georgie: You always listen. I love that. You call me out on my sh*t and remind me what’s important. I need that.

Alexa Diaz: Thank you so much — for coming to The D.O. You have a presence that lights up the people around you. Your genuine and kind heart inspires me to be a better person and I know it will do the same for the staff that is fortunate enough to work with you. You’re not one for compliments, you’d much rather give out gift cards, but you really are the nicest person I’ve ever met. It was an honor to attend your birthday party every night. Don’t forget to ask for help, and know I’ll always be there to offer it — or at least some cheesecake.

Chloe: We didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into when we applied to The D.O. three years ago. It’s fitting that we were hired standing next to each other at a football game because you’ve been by my side the whole time. I spend so much time with you — work, class, home — that sometimes I forget to thank you. So thank you — for being such a talented designer and such a kind hearted person. There’s no one else I’d rather get stuck on a farm or drive seven hours with. You’re a true friend.

Brett: On the off chance you’re reading this … actually you damn well better be reading this, because you’re a huge part of the reason I ended up in MGMT. You’re also a huge part of the reason I still have some sanity. You have an incredible ability to make people feel at home with one joke and keep life in perspective with another. I will always appreciate that. Thanks for putting up with my sh*t and with sh*t in general — I loved sharing the MGMT office with you.

Justin: There are three things I can say we agree on for sure: The tastiness of enchiladas, the value of journalism and the importance of The Daily Orange. In short, we are wildly different people. Still, you’ve become one of my closest friends. It might have something to do with the fact that we spend 50 hours a week together, but I think it has more to do with you being an honest and genuine person. Sometimes you’re even funny. Working alongside you has made me a better leader and a more critical thinker. It’s also given me an uncanny understanding of how you operate — for instance, you hate how much I’m writing about you — and seeing how you always put other people ahead of yourself is inspiring. This paper is so lucky to have you and so am I. Thank you for everything you have done and everything you will do. When I walk out the door, it will be with hope that I left this place better than I found it and with confidence that you’re about to move the motherf*cking rock.

Lauren & Brendan: Your sporadic phone calls, FaceTimes and snapchats of Coco were weekly highlights for me, even if you didn’t realize it. Thanks for calling back when I couldn’t pick up the first time and then listening to me talk about the paper. I’ll work on some new conversation topics. I love you both.

Mom & Dad: You raised me to believe I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to — I guess all of Dad’s advice to “just try harder” paid off — and that’s why I ran a newspaper. You’re the people I thank the least, but the people who deserve it the most. So thank you, I love you guys and I wouldn’t be writing this if it weren’t for you. Your unwavering support is a lesson in love and family all in itself.

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