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Student Association

Students react to the second Student Association debate of campaign season

Jacob Greenfeld | Asst. Photo Editor

Both the presidents and vice presidents of both tickets for Student Association debated on Monday night.

James Franco and Tyler Rossi, the two candidates for Student Association president, faced off in Maxwell Auditorium on Monday night in the second and final debate of the 2017 SA election season. Angie Pati and Roy Tin, the respective vice presidential candidates, also participated in the debate.

The Daily Orange spoke with students following the debate to get their thoughts on the upcoming SA elections and the debate.

What were your thoughts on the debate?

“There were a lot of general surface questions that were asked, nothing that really got into some of the in-depth and serious issues that are facing the university. Instead, they were kind of questions that solicited for buzzwords and words that candidates can say and everyone can rally around, whereas there are general concerns at this university such as the Koch brothers donation and the building of the veterans complex” -Alexis Rinck, a senior political science and sociology double major.


What was one question you wanted to be asked during this debate?

“I wish that each candidate would each talk about their knowledge of the Koch brothers donation. I am concerned about this because of the threat that it has to academic freedom and most of these contracts it has on other universities such as Florida State University. I would love to hear the thoughts of the candidates about this donation and how we should go about with this money.” -Cassie Clearly, junior, political science and history double major.


What is one thing you want both campaigns to do in the next week?

In the next week both campaigns should take the time to really talk to the students and listen to their ideas. I know Angie and Jame’s had mentioned they’ve been doing a listening tour which I believe has already positively impacted their campaign. As both candidates mentioned, SA needs to listen to the students in order to be successful and this idea doesn’t need to wait until they get into office, it can start now. -Ally Koval, a junior advertising major.


What are your thoughts on SA so far as a student on campus?

As a second semester sophomore, I did not know much about SA until this semester and my one time I went to an SA meeting was at their open forum. I respect the move for transparency however I feel like there needs to be more than have student organizations ask just one question. It felt more like a publicity stunt than a move towards being engaged with student organizations. -Will Pritchett, a sophomore policy studies major.

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