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Environment column

Women in STEM are fighting climate change from Syracuse to Antarctica

Sarah Allam | Head Illustrator

Women’s empowerment is heating up from central New York to Antarctica.

As part of the Homeward Bound initiative, 1,000 women in science from around the globe will travel to Earth’s southernmost continent to gather research, influence environmental policy and make their voices heard in the face of climate change. The second group to journey to Antarctica as part of the 10-year project returned in late March, and a third trip is slated for December.

Antarctica may not seem like the most productive place for activists to develop their scientific skills to inform policy-making. After all, there aren’t any politicians at the bottom of the world. But the opportunity for these scientists to work on a women-only team could let them take creative control of their research while getting a taste of the stunning natural world we risk losing if climate change isn’t addressed.

Hilary McManus, a professor of biology at Le Moyne College, recently participated in the trip. McManus is a role model for local women in science to take an active part in the fight against rising global temperatures.

McManus said the combination of natural and social environments was important during her trip to Antarctica.

The most powerful part of my experience was the safe and collaborative space that was created and how, as a collective, we all worked toward common goals to address environmental issues and gender bias in the workplace,” McManus said.

Taking men out of the equation gives women scientists a chance to practice their skills without fear of discrimination or judgment, which is commonplace in professional STEM industry settings. Programs like Homeward Bound offer a space for women to build confidence in expressing their opinions, defending their findings and standing up for environmental protection and against mansplaining in their respective fields.

Empowering women to advocate for themselves, especially in STEM fields, is something Stephanie Wyatt, an assistant in Syracuse University’s Women in Science and Engineering program, believes is essential. Wyatt said it’s crucial women don’t back down from defending themselves in the workplace.

“Women have traditionally shied away from advocating for themselves, thinking that they may come across as ungrateful or pushy,” Wyatt said. “However, women have as much right as men to stand up for themselves, whether that be in asking for a fair salary or in publishing their research.”

The latter is especially important as we attempt to battle the effects of climate change, McManus said.

Every woman has a voice and deserves to be heard. Global issues cannot be fully addressed with everyone’s interests in mind if only half the population is represented in the decision-making process,” she said.

All hands are needed in this battle, and it’s imperative that a diversity of perspectives and experiences are present to help humanity develop a healthier relationship with our planet. This is something best addressed early on. Wyatt believes it’s important to encourage young women with an interest in STEM fields to pursue their passions. Engaging more women in scientific careers will add womanpower to the various disciplines involved in researching the mechanisms of climate change and the possibilities for reversing or slowing its progress.

While not everyone can make it to Antarctica, the women who have can work as role models to inspire us on our own paths toward our dream careers.

You matter, your voice matters and every little bit of action matters. Explore, listen, contribute, lift each other up and grow,” McManus said.

If you’re a woman studying in STEM, don’t let anyone tell you you’re out of place. Your voice is needed now more than ever, and there are strong women willing to go to Antarctica and back to help you be heard.

Maizy Ludden is a senior biology major. Her column appears biweekly. You can reach her at

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