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Duck: Brooke Kato

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

My first week of freshman year when Rori Sachs came into my COM 117 class and promoted The Daily Orange, I knew I had to be there. When Stacy Fernandez gave me my first assignment at the open house, I knew I had to stay. I never thought a newspaper could have brought me so many late nights, belly laughs and unforgettable moments. Here’s to the people who made it magical.

Aishwarya & Sam: Our fearless leaders, thank you for all you’ve done this semester.

Talia, Maeve & Mackenzie: You led digital to do some amazing things. Your creativity and eyes for design will take you all so far.

Kennedy: Your no bullsh*t energy is everything I needed. I’m sad to see you go, but I’m excited for everything you’ll accomplish.

Amy Nakamura: From freshman year to the D.O., your presence has always been bright. You’re a fantastic designer, but write for Pulp every once in a while – you have a knack for it.

Andy Mendes: From girls’ nights to the digital room, you always have the tea and I’m here for it. You’ll go down in history as both Andy on the Promenade and the best DJ.

Diana Denney: This would’ve been sadder if we weren’t in the same sorority. You are a great designer, stick with it! So, this really isn’t a “goodbye,” it’s a “see you at chapter.”

Kaci Waz: We’ve worked together for two semesters and I still don’t know how to spell your last name, I’m sorry. I’m glad we got to know each other more this year and I’m going to miss you dearly.

Catherine Leffert: Leffert, you never fail to make me laugh. I’m sad I won’t be able to experience your leadership, but I know you will be as bold and headstrong as you always are.

Lauren Miller: Your laugh is contagious and I admire your optimism. I’m so glad I got to work on projects with you – don’t stop creating, you’ve got talent.

Allison Weis: You’re so humorous and I’ll miss your daily stops by Pulp. You’ll be a fantastic assistant editor and I’m looking forward to reading your work.

Anna Henderson: I’ll always cherish our time talking about people who “take up too much space” and correcting graphics. I will miss you dearly this next year as we travel the world – see you senior year.

Diana Riojas: Girl, you crack me up. Your commentary on life is hilarious and your energy is unmatched. I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished this semester and I’m excited to see what you’ll do as Pulp editor.

Jenna Morrisey: I’m blessed to call you my co-worker, my sister and my friend. The best parts of my day are spilling tea when you design for Pulp and sending snapchats of just our foreheads. I love when we laugh at each other’s mistakes and I’ll miss filling you in on my life when you graduate. It’s honestly rude that you’re leaving me so soon, but I love you, so I can forgive you.

Hattie Lindert: I’ve loved working with you this semester. You’ll always be my favorite person to text when we’re in the same room. You have the greatest sense of humor and I love your quirky style. You are headstrong, fearless and, most of all, a wonderful friend.

Lydia Niles: We didn’t realize how similar we were until it was time for you to leave, and I can’t wait to spend more time with you next year. Your writing is fantastic, your style is impeccable and you give the best advice. I’m so lucky to have called you my editor and my friend. You have always been there for me, and I didn’t realize how valuable that was at the time, but thank you.

Anthony Dabbundo: Oh, Dabbundo. Your Pulp visits always make the nights go by faster. Although you have some ~debatable~ opinions, you never fail to make me laugh and are a fiercely loyal friend. Thanks for listening to my constant rants and letting me make fun of you. I’ll be looking for your bylines in the paper. Love you, platonically.

Kelsey Thompson: My em-dash queen. Come visit me in Washington, your heart is definitely somewhere in a hipster coffee shop with overpriced lattes. I’m going to miss you and your Fleetwood Mac obsession, but I know I’ll see pictures of your record player and candles on your Instagram story. In all seriousness, you’re a talented writer – don’t ever stop. Just remember: you can’t steal bananas in real life.

Haley Robertson: You did so much for Pulp this semester and I am so proud of you. I admire your leadership skills and how you balance being a boss and being a friend. Thanks for all the times where we’ve laughed until we’ve cried, panicked over deadlines and Pulp bonding rendezvous. I always knew you’d be EIC and I know you’ll be a fantastic leader for this paper. I love you immensely and I can’t wait to see more of your work in the future.

Sarah Slavin: Hey b*tch. After a semester of never seeing each other but working in the same section, I’m so glad I spent the last four months working every day with you. Your infatuation with sneakers and your veganism make you iconic. We always have a good time together and I’ll miss working (or chatting when we’re supposed to be working) with you next semester.

Colleen Ferguson: Where do I even begin? You’re one of my best friends, my ride or die, my editor, my mom. I will always consider myself your son, and I can count on you to cook me food whenever I decide to drop by. You were my mentor at the D.O. – you taught me how to be a better writer and tell a story in the best way possible. You’re the reason I stayed at the paper and continue to work to be a better journalist. I love you dearly.

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