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Duck: KJ Edelman

Asst. Copy Editor Fall 2018; Asst. Sports Editor | Spring 2019; Sports Editor | Fall 2019; Sportscast Host | Fall 2020; Digital Managing Editor | Spring 2021

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

During my freshman year, Syracuse didn’t feel right, and I was set on transferring. The one thing that gave me hope that everything would pan out was The Daily Orange.

Five semesters later, I’m still here. This is a bittersweet goodbye.

Emerman: Read this in Jason Mendoza’s voice. There was a time when I thought you were just some know-it-all. My final day of freshman year, you invited me to dinner with just you and your dad and I started to change my mind. Since, it’s been beers in Narragansett, binge-watching the Good Place, prank wars and everything in between. Not only have you become a great writer and editor, but you’ve become a lifelong friend. Coming home every production night and having late night talks with you meant the world. I knew I would take some slack hiring you last semester. But you proved to everyone you’re ready for this.

Dabbundo: After one of the first sports meetings freshman year, I wanted to hang with you, but I left right away. Halfway down Ostrom, I heard a loud stomping sound. It was you chasing me down the block, trying to talk to me. We’re like an angry old couple that constantly beefs and bickers, but when sh*t hits the fan, I always turn to you first. I don’t think anyone gets me like you do. You know when I’m going through something, you praise me when I deserve it and you call me out when I need it. There’s so many memories. Captain Tweabundo. Map God. Sweats. Walking with you after COM 107, then you being banished from my freshman room. I’m not someone who’s always had close friends. I didn’t have many in high school, and I had definitely never had a best friend. Until you. Thank you for the honesty, thank you for the roasts, thank you for the gossip. Brothers for life.

Aro: Nobody laughs like you do. Your energy fills every room you’re in. The strides you’ve made since coming in-house are tremendous. Whatever you do, pool or journalism or anything in between, I know you’re gonna find your way. 

Crane: There’s times when I get 3 a.m. texts from you about nonsense and I’m like ‘Who the hell is this kid?’ I’m so happy how much you care about this paper. My favorite version of you is when you’re not thinking about reporting. You’re holding a Keystone and we’re talking about our lives.

Hillman: You once told me you felt like nobody believed you could write a good story. You produced some of the best work this semester and you’re one funny dude. Keep Dabbundo in check in London.

Josh: Oh sh*t, the tables have turned. You’re like the older brother I never wanted who stuck me in a corner. You’re my go-to for advice. You brought me in-house when nobody, me included, thought I should. And you took me under your wing when I had no clue what I was doing. Doesn’t mean I don’t hate you most times. But it’s been worth it.

McCleary: When I try to think back to the happiest parts of college, it’s us goofing around on a production night and pissing everyone off in the upstairs hallway. I have so much fun when I’m around you. And when it turns serious, I learn so much just listening to you. You’re a great friend and I’m gonna miss you a lot.

Nick: I’m sorry a snap-judgment didn’t start our friendship earlier. You getting information from a tow truck driver getting gas is an all-time baller move. Working on the Jorge Jimenez story was my favorite reporting experience. It was because I was with you.

Kaci: We couldn’t be more different and somehow we clicked while in-house together. Yes, we both have combative personalities, but I respect you so much.

Fortier: Thanks for convincing me The D.O was worth all my time. Proud to call you my first Sports Editor.

Charlie: You did some of my first reads and didn’t completely roast me. Surprised you didn’t. Thanks for picking on me. I needed it.

Graham: It’s been three semesters of editing your stories and you still don’t know the difference between its and it’s. HOW?

Anna Henderson: You are one of the nicest people I’ve met out of the DO. I’m happy you’ve always stuck around.

Anna Genus: Getting tea with you and ranting about my life for hours was so needed. You’re super funny and never fail to tell the craziest stories.

Mackenzie: I miss you! You were so fun to work with, and DigitalvsDungey made my life so much fun. Wine night?

865 Livingston: I love all of your energy so much. Lydia, you’re one of the smartest people I know. Ali, one of the loudest. Sandhya, by far the sweetest. And Rori, the most honest. 

Aishwarya: You’re so insightful and it was a pleasure working with you. Nobody smiles harder than you do.

Kennedy: Thank you for being the first to believe I wasn’t just a sports writer. I carry your words of wisdom with me a lot.

Emma: You’ve written some stories this semester that I’ve been wow’d by. I hope your drive to tell important stories always follows you.

Haley & Leffert: Thank you for always taking me seriously, even when I was completely out of pocket. Will miss you both, but not baby budget. That sh*t is wack.

Eva: I tried to sneak down to digital as much as I could to talk to you. I’m happy I did.

Susie: When you left in the spring, I was devastated. Keep coming around, we will dominate pong again.

Nabeeha: Watching you evolve from a shy freshman to the person I pick on the most was hilarious to watch. You’re talented, funny and really good at making me feel bad about myself. 

Corey: You inviting me to your home in Illinois was one of the best weekends of my life. Nobody grinds harder than Corey Henry.

Molly: I used to think you thought I was super funny. Then I realized you laugh at everything. My story on Maddy Hertweck was only good because of your photos.

Cicciello: I’ll admit I didn’t always have to do work in Bird. I really just wanted to get to know you. You’re a passionate writer with such a great mind. Becoming good friends with you this semester is something I cherish a lot. 

Diana: The only other person in the D.O. with a voice louder than mine. Everyone loves you for a reason. 

Sessa: Chest bump soon? 

Talia: Honestly, I was so scared to work with you. SE and PD relationships have always been rocky. But I was dead wrong. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown to value my opinion. You’re really a great human. 

Amy: You are the sweetest person in the DO and I hope you pride yourself on that. You were the first person outside of sports I talked to on my first day in-house and I thought you were the coolest. Three semesters later, I still think the same.

Kevin: You’re a brilliant, quirky wizard. There’s nobody like you in the DO, and more or less the world. I love when we’re goofing around and causing a ruckus. I’m going to miss our weird looks, stupid slacks and yelling at 1 a.m. because we’re behind on an alt.

Casey: Screaming at you in the news office coincided with drive homes to South and late-night fast food trips. I wish we became friends earlier. You teach me something new every time we talk.

Sam OG: I hope you know how much I respect you. Watching you grind is inspiring, except when you’re writing a NEW 405 story. Straight up. 

Slavin: You tell the funniest stories and you’re one of the most loyal people I know. Getting close with you has been a pleasure. I’m ending this with a “Hey bitch” joke. That’s super overplayed, but I had to.

Maeve: You’re like the backbone of my life. I’m sorry not everyone takes you seriously and appreciates how talented you are. Every deep conversation, random meal, drive through snow storms, they mean so much to me. Thank you for always being there. 

Eric Black: It was weird not having you around the house. I missed our Jim and Pam-esque glances whenever something wild was going down. I can always count on you for a spontaneous music review, random chill session or a long phone call. You’re one helluva guy. I’m going to miss you next semester the most.

Schneidman: Thursday nights in your South Campus apartment will live in infamy. At first, I copied where you lived sophomore year. Then, we stole each other’s internships. And you even followed me onto the DeWitt town board beat! I’m happy we’re attached to the hip, though. You’re so dog.

Gabe: Professor Boll randomly paired us up the first week of sophomore year and I was surprised we never crossed paths before. You became one of my best friends quickly. I’m never angry with you, even when you’re extremely oblivious to everything. I hate how you always kick my ass in 2K, though. After work, nights at Chilis screaming on the top of our lungs made everything better. I’m so happy how close we are and how I can tell you anything. Love you to death dude. 

Dylan & Mom: Thank you for always reading. I write for you guys.

214 Clarendon: My boys! You kept me sane during the week and made some great memories on the weekends. Gill, Bruno, Danny — I love you three to the moon. Run it back soon.

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