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Student Association

Student Association elects new college and school representatives at meeting

Jacob Greenfeld | Assistant Photo Editor

Stacy Omosa, a freshman political science major, was elected to be a representative of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Student Association held elections Monday night to fill positions for assembly representatives of different schools and colleges.

Positions were open for representatives for the College of Arts and Sciences, Martin J. Whitman School of Management and David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. SA officials also provided their weekly reports at the meeting inside Maxwell Auditorium.

The assembly representative candidates were presented to the assembly, and they spoke about why they wanted to join SA. The assembly members then spent over an hour deliberating over which candidates would be the most capable if they were to join the assembly.

There were seven candidates for the College of Arts and Sciences representative position and only two spots available. There was only one candidate for the Whitman position and one for the Falk position.

Stacy Omosa, a freshman political science major, and John Jankovic, a freshman political science major, were elected for the College of Arts and Sciences; Kaleya Scott, a sophomore social work major, was elected for the Falk position; and Michael DiNardo, an undeclared freshman, was elected for the Whitman position.

SA President Eric Evangelista was not at the meeting. His weekly report was shared by Speaker Andrew Regalado.

Evangelista reported that he met last week with Syracuse Athletic Director John Wildhack and spoke about increasing under-attended SU athletic events, in particular events at the Carrier Dome. Evangelista used the Syracuse women’s basketball game against Notre Dame on Feb. 19 at the Dome as an example of an event that the athletic department hopes will be well-attended.

Evangelista said he and the athletics department discussed the possibility of a student athletic fee but did not make any decision on the matter.

“The athletic department seemed wary about having a legitimate conversation without all of the necessary parties involved, so I’ll be scheduling a meeting in the next couple of weeks to re-examine the viability of this initiative,” Regalado said, providing Evangelista’s report.

Another issue that is being looked into is increasing WiFi access at the Dome and possibly having student organizations set up tables during men’s and women’s basketball games to bring awareness to certain groups on campus.

SA Vice President Joyce LaLonde was also not in attendance and her report was also shared by Regalado. LaLonde highlighted a survey about the effectiveness of the Department of Public Safety that will be sent out by DPS to the campus community on Wednesday. LaLonde and others have been working on the survey since last semester.

SA Comptroller Malik Evans shared the revised special programming bills for the spring 2017 semester and said there is no further money to be allocated out for student organizations this semester.

Regalado spoke about how Evangelista’s investigation has impacted certain members of SA, drawing attention to the Judicial Review Board and the assembly.

A bill that will revise SA’s bylaws was also passed during the meeting. It will revise bylaws “that are outdated or not enforced,” SA Recorder Drew Jacobson said.

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