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Guest Column

Eaton, Williams campaign is driven by student voices

Courtesy Morgan Eaton and David Williams for SA

As Student Association campus-wide elections begin this week, I want to express my emphatic support for Morgan Eaton and David Williams for SA president and vice president. These candidates are best suited to represent the student body because of their student-driven initiatives, actionable ideas, cohesiveness as a team and ability to effectively work with the Student Association.

Eaton and Williams’ “Driven By You” campaign approach demonstrates their commitment to creating and representing a diverse coalition of students. Their platforms demonstrate that they are well-equipped to understand student needs and desires with their focuses on health and wellness, student life and transparency, as well as their Voter’s Choice platform that prioritizes student voices. These two candidates have made countless efforts to reach out to a wide range of student voices and take the concerns and suggestions that students bring to them to heart. Eaton and Williams are dedicated and eager to work with an array of organizations, groups, and students to enact the meaningful change on this campus that students envision.

Eaton and Williams have actionable and feasible ideas and understand the steps that need to be taken in order to bring their platform and other students’ ideas to life. Eaton’s experience in the Student Association Assembly, combined with Williams’ experience as a student leader, allows the two to come into their positions on Day One in the spring with an unparalleled understanding of how to make their platforms reality over the summer and throughout the school year.

In last week’s debate, Eaton and Williams were the only campaign that emphasized its priority to working as a cohesive unit rather than two separate and isolated offices. This distinction is imperative because of the collaborative nature of the offices of SA president and vice president. In order for SA, especially the offices of the president and vice president, to be able to work effectively, the ability to work as a cohesive team is essential, and Eaton and Williams have the chemistry and appropriate mindset to bring that forward.

An often-overlooked aspect of candidacy in SA elections is the ability for the president and cice president to work effectively with the existing members of the Student Association, particularly in the Assembly. In order for SA to be able to accomplish any initiatives and represent the student body effectively, the president and vice president need to be able to work with the Assembly instead of against or without it, and Eaton and Williams are the only campaign that demonstrates that ability.

Eaton and Williams’ recent experience serving in and working with SA shows that they have the ability and relationships to ensure transparency, communication and efficiency in the organization, both internally among members and externally to the student body.

Morgan Eaton and David Williams have the experience, passion, and mindset to most effectively lead the Student Association in the coming year. I am proud to be a part of the “Driven By You” campaign and look forward to casting my vote this week. I encourage others to do the same.


Kailee Vick

Junior, International Relations

SA vice presidential candidate, 62nd Legislative Session

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