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Writer archives: Jean Stevens

ESF students celebrate Earth Week

Mother Nature may not realize that she is harming her own celebration — SUNY-ESF’s Earth Week — with her recent rains.“I’m really hoping it doesn’t… Read more »

Greeks participate in festival

In an effort to build bridges between greek chapters and the general student body, the National Panhellenic Council held its annual Greek Unity Fest this… Read more »

NYPIRG battles increasing ATM fees

College students may soon be free of additional fees when making transactions on ATMs throughout campus if local researchers have their way.Representatives of three branches… Read more »

Hillel ready for center's opening

After a long stay in the basement of Hendricks Chapel, Hillel of Syracuse University will finally have a place to call home.Hillel executives and officers… Read more »

Grad TAs to receive improved benefits

All-expense paid trips to the dentist instead of Cancun may be the deciding factor for graduate teaching assistants who are considering Syracuse University to pursue… Read more »

Study shows rise in anti-Semitism

While swastikas, Nazis and hate crimes are buried in the pages of college textbooks, according to a recent survey, they are resurfacing more often in… Read more »

Mystery Menu

A murder mystery may not sound appetizing to Syracuse University students that love to eat out. But at the Spaghetti Warehouse in downtown Syracuse, guests… Read more »